Tim's Music Studio
Piano, Music Theory, Music History
contact me!

Cultivating Artistry

I teach every student based upon their unique goals and view my role as a cultivator of artistry. Whether you are just starting out or are an advanced performer, my aim is to guide your development in a wide range of areas:

  • Technique
  • Musicianship
  • Music Theory
  • Aural Training
  • Improvisation
  • Music History
  • And more!

Every lesson is an opportunity to explore your own creativity and move forward with your goals. My focus is on equipping you with the tools to get you where you want to go whether that be a career in music or a life long-love of the arts.

Timothy Farrand is a passionate musician, researcher, and teacher that believes fundamentally in the power of art to break down barriers and enhance communities. He sees how lives are enhanced through interacting with all art forms, not just one. From teaching to writing to performing, he is dedicated to exploring how the arts impact our lives and bridge divisions within our societies.

Contact me for more information or to schedule an interview!